After Your Wax

Drink plenty of water
Avoid any activity that'll cause you to sweat ( working out)
No hot showers
No baths
No swimming pools / Jacuzzi
No tanning
Avoid sunlight exposure to serviced area for at lest 24 hours
Avoid using deodorant, frangranced lotions, tanning lotion, or abrasive products for at least 24 hours after service.


Who can get waxed?
Anyone that grows hair can get waxed!
What area on the body can be waxed?
Any area that grows hair, if you don't see a service listed feel free to text or call with inquiries!
Does it hurt?
Everyone's pain tolerance is different, but with consistency, it does get easier everytime.
Can I get waxed while on my cycle or while pregnant?
Yes! It may feel a little different but it can be done!
Is there anything that restricts me from getting waxed?
There are certain allergies and condition that may prohibit you from getting waxed just be sure to consult with me prior to starting the service.

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Texting is the fastest & easiest way to get in contact with me. Send a text, I'll respond as soon as I can!

Give me a call any time, Voicemails are encouraged!

Can't call or text? just send an email!

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